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Capítulo 1A: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?


  1. Ask/tell who someone is

  2. Ask/tell what something is

  3. Ask/tell where someone is from

  4. Ask/tell what someone is like

  5. Describe yourself or someone else

  6. Read/Talk about a famous Spanish novel and some Latin American Heroes

  7. Learn about cognates





  1. Cognates Lesson Plan

  2. Cognates 1

  3. YouTube Video: Cognates 

  4. Cognates YouTube Video Fill-in Notes

  5. Cognates Reading

  6. AlphaBoxes

  7. Cognates Puzzle


Filling Out Forms

  1. Vocabulary Sheet

  2. School Emergency Information Form

  3. Gravamen De la Salud Del Estudiante

  4. Letura información personal 

  5. Spanish Preschool Registration

  6. El Formulario- Blank

  7. Blank ID Card


Vocabulary (TB p.14-21 & 41)

  1. Vocabulary Knowledge Sheet: Span-Eng

  2. Vocabulary Sheet 

  3. Magic Squares

  4. Word Search


Grammar (TB p.22-27)

  • Articles

  1. ​Noun/gender Notes

  2. Gender Worksheet

  3. Articles Notes

  4. Articles Worksheet 1

  5. Articles Worksheet 2


  • Adjectives

  1. Power Point: Adjectives

  2. Adjectives Notes

  3. Adjectives Worksheet 


  • Subject Pronouns

  1. Physical Learning

  2. Hand Graphic Organizer

  3. Power Point: Subject Pronouns

  4. Drills Spanish-English

  5. Drills English-Spanish

  6. Categories


  • The Verb "Ser" 

  1. Ser Notes

  2. Irregular Verb Diamond Foldable

  3. Ser Worksheet 1

  4. Ser Worksheet 2

  5. Power Point: Ser Practice 

  6. Communicative Activity: ¿De dónde eres?

  7. Map ¿De dónde eres? ¿De qué nacionalidad eres?

  8. Communicative Activity: ¿Cómo eres?

  9. Postcard Jeopardy (reading/writing)



  1. ​Interrogative Notes

  2. Interrogative Worksheet

  3. Essential Questions

  4. Essential Questions Foldable

  5. Adjective Review

  6. Subject Pronouns with ser

  7. Let's put it all together

  8. Eres una estrella

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