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Capítulo 1


  1. Opening Information: The Spanish Speaking World, Why learn Spanish, & Alphabet

  2. Lecciones Preliminares (pg. 1-11)

  3. Preliminar A - Saludos-- greeting people (pg. 2-3)

  4. Preliminar B- Adiós-- saying goodbye (pg. 4-5)

  5. Preliminar C- La cortesía-- ordering food politely, food cognates(pg. 6-7)

  6. Preliminar D- La Fecha , days of the week, months, finding out and giving the date, telling the seasons (pg. 8-10)




La Geografía

  1. Geography Pretest

  2. Countries Song List

  3. Countries and Capitals son lyrics

  4. Countries and Capitals

  5. Power Point: Cpuntries and Capitals

  6. Handout: Map of Latin America with countries and capitals lableds

  7. Handout: blank map for activities and practices

  8. Map partner Activitiy

  9. Le geography del mundo hispano

  10. Worksheets: Geo and culture questions from the textbook

  11. Study tips: how to study for your geo quiz


El alfabeto

  1. Alphabet Song lyrics

  2. Alphabet and pronunciation guide

  3. ABC spelling for listening activities

  4. ¿Cómo se escribe? Communicative Activity

  5. Worksheet: alphabet and capitals


Los Números

  1. Think, pair, share: Real World Numbers

  2. Numbers Vocabulary Sheet

  3. Numbers Crossword Puzzle

  4. Communicative activity: Guía telefónica

  5. License Plate Partner Activity

  6. Más o Menos secret number activity

  7. ¿Cuántos Hay? Acitivity

  8. Numbers Math Worksheets

  9. Pasa Números Game

  10. Sudoku


Basic Conversation

  1. Greetings exercise sheet 1

  2. Basic Conversation Crossword Puzzle

  3. Basic Conversation Reading Worksheet

  4. Basic Conversation Clipos Communication Activity

  5. Introduction toss activitiy


El Calendario

  1. Days of the week chant

  2. Days printabble wheels with verbs

  3. Hoy, Mañana, Ayer

  4. Months Macarena

  5. Calendat Crossword Puzzle

  6. Holidays in Hispanic Countries

  7. El Año

  8. Time Travelers' Convention Speed Sating

  9. Birthday Clipos Communicative Activity

  10. Age and Bithday Clipos Activity

  11. Covert Affairs: Stolen Art (Student Worksheets



  1. ​Essential Questions

  2. Essential Questions Foldable

  3. Vocabulary Review Worksheet

  4. Listening review Sheet

  5. Geo Practice Quiz

  6. Oral Assessment

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